Your Magic At Work Coaching

Your Magic At Work is any exchange of offering your spiritual gift and receiving money for it.

If that calls to you, IT IS FOR YOU, even if you’re not receiving any money yet but want to start!

Everything starts in your sacred imagination and it already exists in the infinite!

  • healing our relationship with money

  • rewiring our limiting beliefs

  • overcoming energetic blockages of fear, anxiety, unworthiness, insecurity

  • creativity blocks

  • suppressed self-expression and intuition

  • basically all the stuff that keeps you from receiving abundance and wealth through offering your spiritual gifts!

one-on-one coaching

  • 8 full weeks of daily Voxer messaging for check-ins, Q&A, support, and encouragement

  • 6 asynchronous Voxer coaching sessions over 8 weeks (with 1 week each month built in as a Rest & Digest week, where I will teach you how to practice self-coaching, with resources & messaging support provided)

  • If you want to continue coaching after this, extension packages are available.

  • Learn simple body-based ways to regulate your nervous system, allowing you to release whatever unhelpful behaviors might be doing this for you, and to feel safe to expand into the new life you desire

  • Create and implement customized, concrete strategies to reach your goals in a way that fits your lifestyle and personality.

  • Discover your unique form of motivation magic and learn how to celebrate and work in sync with it.

  • Uncover your personality strengths and values and find how they align to your healing journey, freeing your inspired and aligned actions to naturally flow with integrity, ease, and joy.

  • Discover, honor, and apply your human design, feminine energy, and lunar cycles as superpowers in your life and work

  • Dig deep to reveal your self-sabotaging beliefs (specifically surrounding money, imposter syndrome, unworthiness, workaholism, perfectionism, etc… all the entrepreneurship obstacles!) and rewire your brain with beliefs that serve you and set you free.

What is wild WellneSs?

Wild Wellness is about coming home to the wisdom of Nature and your Intuition to create a life you actually like.

What exactly does this mean? Here are some examples…

  • Connecting with the Earth through grounding, eating nutrient-dense whole foods, and learning body techniques to regulate your nervous system
  • Connecting with the Sun through aligning your circadian rhythms to natural light and your circannual rhythms with the current season of the year
  • Connecting with the Moon through aligning your menstrual cycle and/or feminine energy with your feelings, intuition, nutrition, and action plans
  • Identifying your desired feelings instead of just your desired results, and creating ways to feel them NOW even as you pursue your goals
  • Learning your spiritual gifts (strengths, values, Human Design, and intuitive abilities) to resource you and reconnect you with the confidence and skills to create a life you actually like
  • Identifying what’s getting in the way, in your outer world and inner world, and finding ways to compassionately release at a pace that honors your nervous system

What is Coaching?

The term coach actually comes from the word stagecoach – yep, like Cinderella’s pumpkin! Just as a stagecoach is a vehicle that helps transport you from one place to another, a coach is a resource who helps you get from where you are right now to where you want to be.

I’ve gained so many tools and resources since starting my healing journey in 2013 and starting my coaching practice in 2017, but this is about so much more than me sharing what I’ve learned. There will be plenty of that as well, and this is actually called mentorship (aka sharing the wisdom gained from personal experience.)

  • I use my intuition to ask powerful questions to help you release the wisdom and resources already inside of you.

  • I’m a mirror reflecting back to you the best of what you can’t see inside of yourself because you’ve been taught not to.

  • I help you experience self-compassion and unconditional love for yourself by experiencing it through me first (which of course originates in God/Source and flows through me.)

  • I provide you with inspired and aligned resources to continue the self-exploration, reflection, and action in between our coaching sessions.

  • I provide power alongside of you, not above you or in front of you. We are equals co-creating.

About me

Between having a dad who was a gambling addict and growing up in a very conservative, evangelical, fundamentalist church… I spent most of my life believing that having money was the opposite of having faith.

I believed that God wouldn’t give me money because he knew I couldn’t be trusted with it. There was something too flawed in me, selfish in me, unworthy in me… to have money.

It took me years to deconstruct this nonsense.

Now I believe money IS the avenue of our faith (our hopes, beliefs, and values) lived out. Money is God in action. Money is energy flowing toward wherever we have placed our heart.

I trust myself with money because I trust my heart. My heart is good, and so is yours.

We all want to live a good and healthy life, and we want this for everyone. For all our brothers and sisters and their children.

Money allows me to solve problems for myself and others.

Money allows me to give generously, to create beautiful experiences and memories, to get the resources I need to heal and expand, to turn dreams into reality, to support other beautiful womens’ businesses, to help prisoners find justice, to help orphans find loving families and so much more.

What have you been taught and what do you believe about being rich? Spiritual or unspiritual?

Do you trust yourself with money?

If you’d love to link arms and walk through a portal into a world where money is different… fill out the curiosity call form below and let’s talk!

Free Curiosity Call

I offer a 100% free curiosity call so that I can learn more about you and your goals and chat about how we can co-create together.

I'm interested in…(required)